Layers are welcome!

10. December 2023 Off By mara

I love layers.

In a good cake, for example. Honey slices like my Mom used to make for Christmas. Yum.

Or lasagna, à la Bolognese or even with zucchini, when the layers are fine-tuned. I love that taste, too.

I also love layers in housing. Also, the gradual occupation of space, a bit of eclecticism, mixing family history with souvenirs, and hobbies, when all members of the household (including children, dogs, guinea pigs, fish, permanent guests, etc. of course) contribute their unique part of energy. Such an apartment or house is also yummy.

I love layered cities. Those who admit their history, even the recent one, can deal with it. And they let themselves be seasoned by the present without prejudices, with an open mind. In such a city, I feel at home very quickly, I feel welcome there. It feels like a comfort food is served.

I am fascinated by layered people. Those who have processed their past and are not ashamed of their mistakes. They know that the world is not black and white, but colourful, and the colours can be sometimes dirty and sometimes bright. And since they have a whole spectrum of colours in their life layers, including grey or even black sections, they are condescending, patient and humble. Life tastes good with such people.

I love layers. That’s why I work with them in my creative world. I reveal the story and the emotion from the canvas or paper, sometimes I hide what should remain hidden. I layer, gradually add, and sometimes even take away, I let the image, the motif and myself settle. And then I continue until the magical moment comes when I know I’ve finished. That’s when I emerge back into reality and send the work out into the world. Maybe it is just someone´s taste.

Here are samples where I really liked the layering. You can find all the works in my Gallery.