Category: Nezaradené

This always gets me!

By mara

The excitement when something is coming up is contagious… The production work is endless (a little more practice and the…

It’s coming soon!

By mara

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would be preparing an exhibition in a real gallery,…

Layers are welcome!

By mara

I love layers. In a good cake, for example. Honey slices like my Mom used to make for Christmas. Yum.…

Beyond the Seven Mountains

By mara

My story continues along the way through the mountains. I don’t know if there will be seven of them. Getting…

Indefinite Borders

By mara

Once upon a time beyond the seven seas there were borders. Borders of knowing and borders of unknown. What a…

Pop-up exhibition

By euronic

Pop-up exhibition of my artwork, set as my first important milestone in the world of art, achieved!

Saturday, 27 May, 2023 was the Day! I am honoured that I could share this moment with nearly 60 visitors – dear friends and family members.