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Beyond the Seven Mountains

15. November 2023 Off By mara

My story continues along the way through the mountains. I don’t know if there will be seven of them.

Getting over the first one is not easy. As long as I’m afraid, I won’t step out. A path, sometimes a road, sometimes a highway, or even a wormhole into a different universe begins to unfold ONLY AFTER the first step is made. The energy put into the first step and the next and the next starts to twist my own universe and things emerge to happen.

The first step is difficult, it hurts. Anyway, did I step out well?

When I intuitively returned to art a few years ago, my first steps seemed very uncertain. With the passage of time, when I have already managed some of the mountain, I see that every single step was meaningful.

Papers and pastels as a birthday present (thanks, Miška!). Books about drawing and painting. The first uncertain attempts, whether the hand can still obey. I gathered courage when I showed the first creation to Ľudko (he became a curator only later).

First drawing lessons with Andrej Augustín and his questions, why do I want to draw…? At that time, I was guided by intuition and the certainty that although I didn’t yet know where art would lead me, I only knew that I NEEDED to draw.

I registered my own web domain. I had to climb another hill to get my own website!

My creative story has already begun, already unwinding, looking for its own way.

I also discovered that while I stand still, the sidewalk does too. It is like an automatic escalator that I propel through my actions. It always takes me a while to realize that I’m standing still. Thanks to Katka Vargová’s excellent art therapy, I am now able to recognize that “something is happening” in myself. If something is wrong. When I feel myself in discomfort. I already have calibrated radars for myself.

I am like a river. When I flow, I’m in motion, I jump over obstacles, I gather strength for bigger bites, I feel strong, full of energy. Sometimes I get into a dead still muddy smelly end. It takes a while (usually days) to realize I’m standing. The symptoms are the same. I know something is wrong with me. I feel insecure. I already know that irritability, poor sleep, anger, impatience, or apathy are signals for me to find out where I am and in which direction I should go next. Think about the next step. Walking helps me a lot, ideally by the stream, in the forest, or by the river. When you meet me at Železná Studnička or on the Danube embankment, it is quite possible that I am dreaming up new plans.

I walk, legs and hands move in a regular rhythm. After a while, the mind gets involved. From such a walk, I take notes on my phone, new poems, or photo material as inspiration, decisions, what to do as the next step, which mountain to climb in order to see further and gain a new perspective. Happy journey!