Be careful what you wish for…

18. December 2023 Off By mara

… it may come true for you.
It’s no secret that my birth name is Bošňáková. Everyone has a name. Moreover, as a child, you do not choose a name, neither a first name nor a surname. So seen from the middle-aged perspective: no stress, sweetie…
But in the early school years, when you are sorted neatly alphabetically in the classification record, the surname gains its weight. Especially if there is a punctuation mark on almost every letter in it. Until I got married, my surname was hardly pronounced and spelt correctly at any competition, summer camp, or anywhere I went.  I was Bošnáková, Bošniaková, Bosniaková, Bočnáková, Bošková or Bošanská. For a child who wants to fit in and not stand out, explaining and patiently spelling their last name is a pain. A classmate nailed it at the physical during the relay running competition. I didn’t run fast enough, our group didn’t win. “Bread is disgusting,” she snarled at my address, alluding to the „bosniak“, the delicious bun sold later in the past. Since then, I’ve always felt a bit like a cannibal when eating these buns „bosniaks“.
Even then I was jealous of all the common simple surnames. The Kováčovci impressed me the most. This surname is also purely Slovak, it smells a bit rural, a movie about fire and the tinkling of an anvil is playing in the background, it ends with a new horseshoe and a happy horse. I just couldn’t imagine that someone would get such a surname wrong.
So I got married. The universe fulfilled my wish: my name is Nováková (Newman in English). If I wanted to be invisible with my last name, so be it, voilà. This surname is so common that it is often used as a specimen in forms and checks at the post office… Even though I’ve already been asked at the local authority office: “What’s your name?” „Mária Nováková“ I answered. „Mrs. Marianová, you mean?“ a reply arrived.  Well, the exception proves the rule, since then I have pronounced my surname really clearly.
When I started creating art, a window of opportunity opened for me: I chose a pseudonym! I will be Mara Ohman. Ohmann is the maiden name of my paternal Oma, a painter, as well. With just one N at the end, I continued the family artistic line. And then I signed one email with my (entire) pseudonym. The address “Mr. Ohman” came back to me. Well, the error creeps in, nothing happens. In the following communication I explained who I am, what I am… The email came back to me with the address “Mrs. Omara…” Well, that’s how it is with those wishes.
These days, wishes are pouring in from all directions. That’s the way it should be, and it’s great. There is never too much kindness in our world. Our own wishes are in a slightly different category, though. It’s not enough to just wish, hope, pray, and then wait for the universe, god, husband or boss to finally make our wish come true. Miracles happen like this: I allow myself to wish for something for myself and I’m already looking forward to the ride that will lead me to my goal. I will go step by step, mainly driven by my own energy. Then the fulfilled wish tastes completely different.

Do not let anybody discourage you, allow yourself to wish for whatever you want!