It’s coming soon!

15. January 2024 Off By mara

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would be preparing an exhibition in a real gallery, I don’t know if I would have believed that they were talking about my world.

And here we are. The opening is already in sight. Preparations are in full swing. I am gradually ticking off items from my to-do list. It is both enjoyable and exciting. Sometimes I have doubts. How will it all turn out? Will the works be liked? Will people come to the opening? However, I will not get discouraged by no means. I proceed step by step. I have something to look forward to!

borders: indefinite
crossing: permitted
Starý Avion Gallery, Americké námestie 1, Bratislava
Vernissage: 25.1. 2024 at 18:00
Duration of the exhibition: 25 January – 15 February 2024
Curator: Ľudovít Petránsky

The exhibited works are for sale.